Your Month In Weird Holidays: December 2013

Welcome to December, y'all. The holidays have been in full swing since, oh, July, and diets are pretty much out of the question at this point in the baking season. Between Thanksgiving, Thanksgivukkah, Festivus, and Christmas, our tummies will be full and our wallets will be, err, not.
December is about so much more than chestnuts roasting on an open fire, though. There's a whole month of national holidays to celebrate. We've rounded up the 10 best weird holidays to celebrate this December, from bathtub parties to bad luck days and all the caroling in between. Hey, some of them don't even require a proper invite. All you need is a lemon cupcake, a bell, and an ear to prep. If only the "real" holidays were so easy to plan.

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