Kim Kardashian’s 4 Tips For The Perfect Selfie (Or, Just Her Perfect Selfie)

Some of us take selfies, and some of us take selfies. One does not simply raise thine phone and snap. There are rules — lessons to be learned and angles to be honed before perfecting the art form. Kim Kardashian is no stranger to the self-made vanity photo. She lifts, pouts, and poses with herself so much her Instagram and Twitter handle might as well be changed to @kimkardashianselfies (or, at least, someone should create a Tumblr dedicated to them).
Naturally, one wonders just what exactly goes into a perfect Kim K selfie. Well, dear wannabe selfie-artist, we've got answers. Kim Kardashian has four steps for you to take in and take with you everywhere you go — no squinching needed.
Not to pick any bones with the future Mrs. West, but four tips is a little, er, elementary. Head on over here, if you're really lookin' to spice things up in the selfie department. Farewell, lackluster Instas. Hello, Likes, and hello, validation. (Huffington Post)

Opening Photo: via @kimkardashian.

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