The Prettiest Beauty Gifts You Can Actually Afford

It's that magical time of year, when you take a moment to be grateful for all your blessings and search for the perfect gifts that will demonstrate to your friends and family how much you love them. Awesome, right? Well, not exactly when your bank account isn't flush with cash. It's hard enough to find the right trinkets that will please your boss, your grandmother, and your persnickety best friend. But, when you're low on funds, it can seem like a downright impossible task.
Well, that's where we can help. One of the reasons why we love beauty products so much (we know, we're biased) is that even the most prestigious primpers will only set you back so far — meaning, you can gift all of the ladies in your life for much less than if you were trying to, say swath them all in cashmere sweaters. And, in our experience, there are very few women who won't delight in receiving some pretty products, whether or not they broke the bank.
So, new holiday shopping strategy: Get your paws on a few of these adorable $20-and-under sets, bake some cookies, and pass the cheer. You'll be spreading some major smiles, we guarantee it!

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