Hidden deep within the folds of this charming Parade interview, live several treasures you might not have known about Jennifer Aniston. Amongst the revelations are details about Aniston's awkward phase. That's right, Jennifer Aniston had an awkward phase. Just like you. And, did you know that while flipping through the channels late at night, bathed in the flickering blue glow of her television set, the We're The Millers star can't help but watch a Friends episode when it's on? That's right, just like you! And, you probably didn't know that Jen loves hospitals? Just like…no one?
When asked what pearls of wisdom she knows now that she didn't know at 25, Aniston told Parade: "That there’s nothing to worry about — although I don’t think I had a care in the world at 25, either. That all started in my 30s, my awkward phase. I’m a little bit of a late bloomer!" Question: Is Aniston throwing shade at Brad Pitt? The 44-year-old actress, now safely cocooned within the folds of her rockabilly fiancé's leather jackets and soft flannels, married Pitt at 31, divorced him at 36, and then entered a few very public-yet-eventually-unsuccessful relationships. (Also, Parade quotes her as saying that she feels most beautiful "when I’m just at home with [fiancé] Justin Theroux in the morning.” It's interesting that the mag bracketed "fiancé" but not "Theroux," which makes us hope she referred to him entirely as "Justin Theroux.")
Parade also asked Aniston if she ever thought she'd become a doctor, like her dad once planned to do, to which she then replied: "Maybe I did! I used to love hospitals. That's another weird thing about me. I remember when my grandmother — so sweet, God rest her soul — was in the hospital, I always loved visiting her there."
Vaya con dios, Jennifer Aniston, and never change. (Parade)