How much does it really cost to eat well? Last week, a study published in the British Medical Journal tried to answer that question. And, after crunching some serious numbers, researchers came up with a ballpark figure: Apparently, it costs $550 more per year (or $1.50 a day, per person) to eat a healthy balanced diet comprised of nutrient-rich, minimally processed food than what the average person eats. While some have heralded this as good news, others (ourselves included) have wondered how exactly we can make healthier choices without blowing our paychecks at the farmers market.
Luckily, the penny pinchers at The Huffington Post have rounded up a list of cheap superfoods to give you the very most bang for your buck. How cheap, you ask? Under $1 per serving. Super-healthy bulk favorites like beans and brown rice ring in at 18 cents and 10 cents per serving, respectively, keeping you full with fiber and protein while contributing to good cardiovascular health. Oatmeal, which reduces cholesterol and is full of some serious vitamins in addition to being generally awesome for your digestion, costs just 62 cents per serving.
Ok, we know what you're thinking: Where are the veggies? Don't you worry, there's some of those on the list, too. Cabbage, for example, which is full of fiber and vitamin C and may even help to reduce cancer risk, is just 11 cents per serving...and, it just happens to be in season. Done and done. Click through to HuffPost for the full list. (Huffington Post)