Rookie founder and editor-in-chief Tavi Gevinson is the latest to be featured in Pitchfork's "Situation Critical," a column that presents "artists with various life situations — some joyous, some terrible, some bizarre — to find out which songs, albums, or bands they would turn to under those specific circumstances."
For example: Not sure what to listen to "in a bathroom stall at Target and there’s no toilet paper"? Take Tavi's advice: "I have never actually had the square-to-spare Seinfeld situation. But, I thought 'Summer Breeze' by Seals and Crofts works on two levels, because this song might actually come on in a Target and it’s also just a good song to relax to. You would just hear it and be like, 'I’m fine. I’ll get toilet paper. I’ll be OK.'”
Often a good read regardless, Situation Critical is especially on point with Tavi at the helm. Her ability to approach even the most unlikely of scenarios — like spotting Russell Crowe at a Whole Foods — with her trademark sensitivity and honesty will have you Spotify'ing old Animal Collective tracks in no time.
Head over to Pitchfork to read the post in full.