Die-hard Nicole Richie fans are probably familiar with her gorgeous little sis, Sofia, but the rest of the world is about to meet the budding starlet, too. The 15-year-old has been costarring in the celeb's web series, Candidly Nicole, for some time now, and she just landed her first big modeling gig. She debuted her modeling skills in a Teen Vogue feature last year, but now she's starring in the lookbook for L.A. swimwear line Mary Grace Swim.
The first snap from the shoot is out, and we have to say Richie looks undeniably beautiful. Sure, the level of sexiness is a bit questionable for a girl who's still in high school, but we'll reserve judgment until we see the rest of the images. One thing's for sure though: Her resemblance to dad, Lionel Richie, is uncanny. In fact, we're going to go out on a limb here and say that Sofia won the genetic lottery. With the signature Richie brand of sass and style influence from one of the trendiest big sisters around, this probably isn't the last will see of the mini Richie. She's comin' for ya, Hollywood. (Fashionista)