The Atlantic
has compiled a list of the best TV episodes of the past year. And, we've gotta say, we're rather happy with their choices. Highlights from the list include Game of Thrones' "Rains of Castamere," Breaking Bad's "Ozymandias," Girls' "Bad Friend," and The Office finale. Of course, we recommend watching the entire series of all of these shows, if you haven't become obsessed with them already. And, though the guide suggests the "Tall Men With Feelings" episode of Orange Is the New Black, we cannot stress how important it is to your mental sanity to watch it all in completion. Plus, it's only 13 episodes long, so it's the perfect weekend marathon option.
If you're looking for a more timely choice, might we recommend the latest season of Downton Abbey? #LadySybilForever
(The Atlantic)