Emilia Clarke barely broke a sweat conquering kingdom after kingdom as everyone's favorite warrior princess on Game of Thrones, but will she have the same luck against an army of killer robots?
We're about to find out.
With a new Terminator film on the horizon, 26-year-old British thesp beat out Short Term 12's Brie Larson and Wolf of Wall Street's Margot Robbie for the coveted role of freedom fighter Sarah Connor, a part made famous by Linda Hamilton in James Cameron's The Terminator and it's sequel, Terminator 2: Judgement Day. At this point, not much is known about the film other than its director, Thor: The Dark World's Alan Taylor, and its release date, July 1, 2015. Of course, what would a Terminator movie be without Sarah's son John? Zero Dark Thirty's Jason Clarke (no relation to Emilia) is in negotiations for the potentially career-making role. If you recall, it was last played by Christian Bale, who threw a NSFW tantrum heard round the world. Hopefully Clarke has better luck keeping his cool, although we know how intense saving all of humanity can get, even if it is just pretend.
As for Emilia, she won't have to look too far in search of advice on how she should tackle the iconic role. Her GoT co-star Lena Headey was the last actress to play Sarah Connor, in Fox's Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. We can picture it now: Cersei and Khaleesi sitting by a fire, discussing Terminator. The fanboy in us just died and went to heaven. (Entertainment Weekly)