And The Most Popular Instagram Of 2013 Belongs To…

Image: Via @justinbieber.
As Jerry Seinfeld might say, Justin Bieber is having a very "Even Stevens" kind of week. Sure, the pop star was just voted the biggest FAIL of 2013, but he can at least take comfort in knowing that he also had the most-liked Instagram pic of the year. Yes, even more likes than your epic eggs benny last Sunday or your cat wearing a Christmas sweater.
A snap of Bieber with "Uncle" Will Smith from four months back fetched more than 1.5 million likes, making it the app's most popular pic of 2013. If you find that news a tad depressing, take heart: Research shows that the year's most popular hashtag was #love. Awwww.
#TBT and #selfie also made it big, while the most popular day of Instagramming was Thanksgiving, which also marked the first day of Hanukkah. And, it turns out that the Siam Paragon Shopping Mall in Bangkok, Thailand is the most photographed/geotagged spot in the world (until this place catches on).
So, there you have it. 2013 in a nutshell. Here's hoping your selfies fare better in 2014.

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