Nudity isn't a foreign concept to Miley Cyrus (if it is, "Wrecking Ball" and her video with Future beg to differ). She has reinvented her name with various sartorial, erm, conundrums — pasties and all (or nothin'). Her latest topless photo shoot is, however, free of shock value; it's for a cause, Free the Nipple.
Over the weekend, Cyrus tweeted a typical photo of herself — tongue out, with a super-overjoyed, really-can't-handle-life expression, and flashing some skin — only, this time she got a little app-happy and added Santa-themed stickers. "THANK YOU NY for being one of the few states to @freethenipple," Cyrus tweeted in conjunction with the pseudo-topless pic.
Free the Nipple, if you're not aware, is a film questioning our society's penchant for violence and prudence toward topless women. In the film, the director, Lina Esco, begins a grassroots revolution to get toplessness legalized everywhere. Cyrus is one of the first big names to join the movement. We, however, sort of joined it this summer (sorry to pull a J Lawr, but we beat Miley!).
It's not about getting your titties out. It's about equality. ❤️
— Miley Ray Cyrus (@MileyCyrus) December 14, 2013
Amen, sister. Check out the video below for more information on the movement (and how to keep its idea alive). Now, this seems counterintuitive since this is the exact thing Free the Nipple is trying to get rid of, but the video is obviously NSFW.