Justin Timberlake, Amateur Cupid, Stopped A Concert For A Fan’s Proposal

Justin Timberlake just loves love. In fact, it seems he's a big ol' softie at heart. Maybe it's because he's a married man now, but he just couldn't resist playing cupid at one of his recent concerts. Ahead of his show in Louisville, a fan named Josh reached out to Timberlake's camp asking to pop the question to his girlfriend. JT happily agreed, and the resulting proposal makes for the most adorable viral video.
The singer interrupted his regularly schedule programming to introduce the couple and bring them on stage. Josh got down on one knee, and after getting the "yes," JT was as excited as could be. We don't know what's more exciting, getting to meet Justin Timberlake or getting engaged to your S.O.? Watch the video below to see the matchmaker in action. Warning: Strong feelings may ensue.

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