In the latest installment of "Why didn't we think of this?!" The New Yorker has set the historical/literary record straight by ranking all of Shakespeare's leading guys...on Lulu.
By now, you're familiar with the infamous app that allows women to #judge their male Facebook friends to no end. But, you probably didn't know that Romeo qualified as a #OneWomanMan, #SnuggleMachine, and #Unicorn. Well, thanks to the mag's genius article, all the dramatic heavy hitters are here.
There's Mercutio (#LifeOfTheParty), Laertes (#GlobeTrotter), and Orsino (#Stage4Clinger). More of an Othello fan? No problem. This 5.9 ranked #ForeignFox and #SelfMadeMan is indeed #TallDarkAndHandsome, but beware — he also has #TrustIssues and gives the #World'sWorstMassages. And, in case you were looking to cozy up to Hamlet, take note: The man is #SelfAbsorbed, #NeverRemembersMe, is #ObsessedWithHisMom, and has #NoCar.
Click through, have a laugh, and give thanks for the real men in your lives — yes, even the #Manchild. (New Yorker)