Though there was certainly a time when Prince Harry's antics graced front pages on a regular basis, nowadays, young George and his beautiful parents grab most of the headlines. Of course, stories of particular importance regarding the Royal Ginger occasionally make the news. Today: Behold this tidbit involving Harry's most outward accomplishment: his beard.
We don't say this mockingly, if you can believe it. He has probably accomplished many great things, but damn, he looks good with some scruff. One might think that such an unkempt appearance would be forbidden for the Buckingham crew, but turns out, like his brother and father before him, Prince Harry is just sporting some traditional, family facial hair. (William did it in 2008, and nobody stopped him then.) We don't know how long Harry will keep the look going, but frankly, we're all for it. (The Huffington Post)
Bonus Beard: Check out Prince William's scruff on the next page.

It's not ginger...but it ain't bad, either. What do you think? Scruff or no scruff?