You Got A New iPhone: Now What?

If you're reading this, it probably means that this is, in fact, your first time at the Apple mobile rodeo, and you're looking for some guidance on what to do with your shiny new iPhone/iPod/iPad.
Problem is, we don't need to tell you to download Netflix, Facebook, Vine, and the like. If you are a sentient being on planet Earth, you already know those things are essential to your existence. The inherent problem is that the offerings are too vast to narrow down to a list of apps that suits the wide spectrum of diverse personalities that make up our strange species. Try as we might, there can be no definitive list of must-have apps that will truly serve every whim.
Our solution: We'll provide you with a few tips and tricks you may not have known your new iDevice was hiding, along with a few of our favorite apps that you probably wouldn't come across otherwise. From one seasoned pal to a maybe-sorta-novice, we're here to help. And, maybe save you a trip to the Genius Bar.
Read on, friend.

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