Okay, we know, we know — Season 4 of Downton Abbey has been available to lucky Brits for some months now. But, those of us on the other side of the pond have been waiting patiently for our fill of the Crawley family. The first episode hits PBS airwaves this Sunday, and to get us prepped, Michelle Dockery (a.k.a. Lady Mary) chatted with TV Line about Matthew's untimely death, new suitors, and a potentially scandalous, familial relationship.
As expected, the season will open with dark undertones. Mary is trying to cope with the loss of her husband, and according to Dockery, she's not ready to move on — and she's busy dealing with her now-fatherless children. "At the beginning, it's very difficult with the baby," Dockery told TV Line. "She looks at him and she sees Matthew. She's still adjusting."
You can expect Lady Mary to revert back to her colder, darker persona, but the series will also provide a few laughs. For starters, Paul Giamatti is coming on board to play the family's uncle with a, well, not-so-wholesome reputation. He'll arrive during the Christmas special, and Dockery assures us that this time around, we won't need to brace ourselves for heartbreak and tragedy. Here's to another season of Downton goodness ahead. (TV Line)