Lena Dunham has checked a lot of things off the proverbial bucket list. She's created her own show. She's won a Golden Globe. She's been published in The New Yorker. And now, she can add cover girl to that list. The star is set to appear on the cover of Vogue. Or, at least that's the rumor. Page Six broke the news this morning, reporting she'll grace the February issue. In fact, the issue may be devoted entirely to Girls, just in time for this weekend's season three premiere.
Vogue reps are keeping mum, of course, but further proof can be found in Monday night's NYC premiere party. Wintour herself posed on the red carpet with Dunham, giving her the Anna seal of approval. We expect the issue to be released in the coming days, so until then, we'll have to speculate on what kind of designer duds Lena will be donning. Either way, we know her interview will be nothing short of hilarious and insightful. (Page Six)