Haley Joel Osment’s Reddit Interview Will Warm Your Heart

hjoEmbedPhoto: REX USA/Picture Perfect.
Remember how long you spent crying over Pay It Forward? Sure you do. At least until you remember how many hours you spent shaking with fright, lying awake over The Sixth Sense. And, then you're back to tears again at the drop of a hat, thinking about the little boy from A.I. all alone, abandoned in a flooded, futuristic New York City. Wow, this first paragraph has been a roller coaster.
Anywho, Haley Joel Osment, the star of all three of those excellent movies, did a Reddit interview. And, of course, he was just lovely, polite, and kind. Going above and beyond most AMAs, he actually dove deeper into comment chains to provide more thorough answers to questions. He even confirmed that The Sixth Sense was entirely found footage (hah) and answers our prayers with anecdotal proof that Bruce Willis and Michael Caine are just as impressive as you always imagined. Reassuringly, he notes that he actually had a pretty normal childhood and adolescence and displays a remarkably mature attitude toward the pitfalls of such youthful prominence. He and Jack Gleeson should hang out sometime! Maybe Osment could convince Gleeson to stick it out in the business.
Check out the full thread on Reddit. It's a true delight.

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