There is nothing — and we mean nothing — that can kill a good manicure like a hangnail. What starts off as a tiny snag can turn into a horrifying, gruesome display of lacking impulse control, especially if you're prone to picking, tearing, and biting at the offensive nicks and uneven patches. We have plenty of converted hangnail pickers on staff, so we know firsthand of the hatchet-job hands that result from tearing at your fingers. Believe us, you don't want to be that person in a crowd of beauty editors. Because they will judge you.
As we've mended our ways, we've learned that the key to solving a bad habit is stopping it before it starts. So, to help you prevent the offensive issue, we'd like to call on our salvation from mangled hands, the woman who has shown us the light, celebrity manicurist Jin Soon Choi.
A woman who has brought many of us to The Path of Hangnail Happiness, Choi is here to save you with Five Commandments to prevent offensive picking and get your hands under control. Going through life looking like Freddy Krueger does your manicure is no way to live. Can we get an "amen"? Click through and then use these handy tips to hamper hangnails, stat.

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