Kim Kardashian Stops By Ellen To Share More Pics Of North

Will we ever tire of seeing pictures of North West? The answer, sadly, is no. She's just so darn cute, and her parents are just so darn fascinating. Every time Kimye make another big reveal, we eat it up. We know we're buying into all they hype, but, babies! So, naturally, when we heard that Kardashian was making an appearance on Ellen to promote the new season of Keeping Up With The Kardashians, we couldn't set our DVRs fast enough.
The two did the requisite small talk about the show's upcoming premiere and Kim's unpleasant pregnancy (been there, heard that!) before they finally got to the real talk: Baby North. Kim shared several different shots of the wee one, each more adorable than the last. There's even a candid of Kanye playing Dad. Watch the clip below for more cuteness than you can probably handle.

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