Katy Perry has become something of a pop champion. Let's take her February GQ cover and magazine interview, for example. Amy Wallace's chat with the star is candid, ernest, and most importantly — genuine. Take this juicy quote: "I said, 'God, will you please let me have boobs so big that I can't see my feet when I'm lying down?" Perry confessed to the writer. "At age 11, 'God answered my prayers,' she said, glancing south. 'I had no clue they would fall into my armpits eventually.'"
Too much information? Perhaps, but that's the kind of tongue-in-cheek sincerity that distinguishes Perry from her peers. Though the shoot flaunts the run-of-the-mill sexiness we've come to expect from GQ, it works well in conjunction with Wallace's notion of Perry being the reigning, hot girl-next-door in pop culture.
"No other artist has so seamlessly blended teenage dreams and grown-up misadventures, singing about hickeys and crushes, yes, but also threesomes, blackouts, and strangers in your bed," Wallace writes. It's a fine line Perry walks, and one she'll eventually (in our opinion) step off to make the "grown woman, I do what I want" kind of album Gaga and Beyoncé have made. But, that won't be for a while because, as GQ's feature alludes to, she's sitting pretty on her throne — with aliens and the occasional President Obama photo conversation.

“I see everything through a spiritual lens,” she says. “I believe in a lot of astrology. I believe in aliens. I look up into the stars and I imagine: How self-important are we to think that we are the only life-form? I mean, if my relationship with Obama gets any better, I’m going to ask him that question. It just hasn’t been appropriate yet.”
The February issue of GQ hits newsstands everywhere on January 28. (GQ)