There was a moment last night when Lorde nervously walked up to the stage to accept the Grammy for Song of the Year that would've gone unseen had some of us not been glued to the screen, praising our Lorde and pop grace. The camera panned out on the audience for a brief moment when Beyoncé, glowing in white, was captured leaning toward the singer with a chalice of (what was most likely) D’ussé Cognac, smiling. We were so into Beyoncé being into Lorde that we almost missed the wee-Grammy winner's thank-you speech. (It was a lovely speech, we might add, but cut to 2:20 on this video to see the aforementioned moment.)
Thankfully, someone heard our wishes and gifted us a follow-up moment between Lorde and reigning Queen B. Like yin and yang, Lorde and Beyoncé posed for the camera, and honestly, we can't tell who's more thrilled to be sharing a frame with the other. A beautiful fairy creature with a woman's woman: These are the sweet dreams Annie Lennox was talking about. Could a potential collaboration be in the works? Oh Lorde, we sure do hope so. But, if nothing else comes of this chance encounter, it's comforting to know that Beyoncé uses the same amount of hours in the day that we do to jam out to "Royals" (also like we do).