We know most State of the Union recaps will offer heavy-duty analysis of President Obama's policies, but honestly, we just can't get past that wily Joe Biden sitting behind him. We don't know who the Vice President was pointing to, and we're not sure why, but we can't help but LOVE this GIF of him flashing a cheeky grin during Obama's speech. Was there a fart joke we missed?
Though he comes across like a fraternity brother named Trip we once dated, Biden is at least innocent of the tongue-in-cheek charges leveled against him by this morning's Onion. Today's headline: "Biden Clenches Plastic Beer Cup In Teeth To Free Hands For Clapping." That said, most of the Onion's mock-Biden stories do seem pretty convincing, God love him.
Normally we'd cringe at having an elected official bro-ing out for all the world to see. Yes, it's pretty smarmy. Yes, he looks like he's at a pool party and not a formal government event. Yes, his opponents are probably going to have a field day. Seriously, though, this GIF is going to really take our "told you so" emails to the next level. For that, we offer a hearty thanks. Keep 'em coming, Joe! (Gawker)