Scarlett Johansson & Kate Winslet Ditch Makeup For Art

scarjoPhoto: REX USA/Rex; REX USA/Camilla Morandi.
Celebrities have cried the "no makeup" wolf so many times that we've all learned to take the presented image with a grain of salt and an eye roll. "Here we go again," we quietly say to ourselves before letting out a needlessly exhausted sigh while clicking through. Vanity Fair and Chuck Close don't want that to happen.
So, the artist and publication gathered Tinseltown A-listers together to pose in front of a massive 20-by-24-inch Polaroid camera — some with makeup, and, more importantly, some without. Scarlett Johansson and Kate Winslet are among the latter group. Their barefaced mugs are captured in celluloid infinity between the glossy pages of VF's already-impressive Hollywood issue. It's a stark contrast from Winslet's controversial Vogue cover last October.
"I don’t do glamour shots, and they’re not airbrushed or whatever. So they can be, um…they can be rough," Close told Vanity Fair. The artist didn't allow any stylists or entourages to accompany the stars to the shoot. No transportation was provided either. It's as close to a "real" situation as anything. He might as well have plucked them off the street while they were going about their daily business to take their photo. Genius.
"They have to give up a great deal of vanity in order to do it," Close explained. "And it takes a real act of generosity and faith on the part of the subject to go with it and to give me their image without having any control over what’s gonna happen."
Check out an extended preview of the shoot here. For the full spread, pick up your copy of Vanity Fair Friday, February 7. (Daily Mail)

If There Was Makeup, However, Perhaps They'd Try These Goodies:

Makeup Tips For Looking Awake

This Is The Raddest New Way To Wear Makeup

DIY For Your Eye

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