Victoria Beckham continues her 2014 reign on the cover of Allure's March issue. Inside, the typically enigmatic designer gets honest.
In between stunning portraits, Beckham reveals her bullied past and confidence issues she had growing up. It wasn't until she met "the girls" (a.k.a. the rest of the Spice Girls) that things started to make sense. "I think what gave me confidence in myself was meeting the other girls. We always said we were all like rejects in our own way. We had to work hard, and they helped me accept me for who I was." Then she met David, and the rest, along with that little Gucci dress, is history.
Speaking of history: Beckham even admits that her, erm, boobs are no longer there. "I think I may have purchased them," she says. "Or they got removed, one or the other." Uh, well, we'll leave their fate up to you to decide.

"In England, one minute there's all this great press, and it's all very flattering and very exciting. And then in the next minute, it's not." Same thing in America, Becks; same thing in America.
Check out some behind the scenes pictures here! The full interview hits stands February 25.