Lena Dunham, we knew we liked you. And, moreover, we knew we had a lot in common with you. Besides the fact that the actress is responsible for one of our favorite shows, she's also a diehard Scandal fan. And, as many already know, R29 is basically the headquarters of the Scandal fan club.
Dunham discussed her love for Olivia Pope and the Gladiators on Grantland's B.S. Report this week. And, as it turns out, she's got a little Scandal secret desire of her own. When asked about her dream projects, Lena said, "My life's great passion is the idea of being a guest star on Scandal. I want to be, like, a senator who did something wrong."
We, of course, totally support that goal and would love to see her on the show going up against the Gladiators, or maybe even taking down Rowan Pope. Shonda Rhimes, are you listening? It's time to get casting. (Vulture)