You don't have to be a kid to enjoy Pixar-animated films like The Incredibles and Wall-E. After all, there's just something about a family of undercover superheroes and a waste-collecting robot that tugs at your heartstrings.
Of course, there's nothing like an adult (read: R-rated) action-packed flick to get your adrenaline pumping. Well, how about the best of both worlds? Fast Company reported that Pixar artist Josh Cooley blended his passion for zesty movie dialog and Little Golden Books to author his own book called Movies R Fun!. "It started out kind of as a prank," Cooley told Fast Company. "I've always loved the subversive humor you find in Mad Magazine, especially from the '60s, and decided as a joke to do a drawing of the Big Lebowski in the style of a children's book."
From there, the concept spawned into inspired illustrations of scenes from Pulp Fiction, American Beauty (gotta love that bed of roses), Terminator, Alien, and more. To ensure that Cooley captured the same Golden Book-esque look, he literally invented a digital tool for the project. But, make no mistake, despite the cartoon-like images, a kiddie book this is not. In fact, Cooley won't even let his five-year old daughter take a gander at it yet. Even so, at least the text is PG-13 — even if the pictures aren't. Click here to check out a slideshow of highlights from Movies R Fun!. (Fast Company)