Scarlett Johansson Is Pregnant!

scarjo_embedPhoto: REX USA/Picture Perfect.
As the world begins to come to after a hefty bout of postpartum Oscars depression, Scarlett Johansson and her mysterious fiancé sweep in from left field and throw us a curve ball. Sure, the actress was snubbed of an Academy nod for her vocal performance in Her, but she's about to have her own little guy (or gal) to show off. Yep, that's right; Scarlett Johansson is pregnant!
A source close to E! News confirmed the announcement saying the actress and Romain Dauriac are expecting their first child together. The news comes a hot six months after her glittery rock made its red carpet debut.
Now, there isn't a protocol for how a celebrity should announce her pregnancy, but imagine the frenzy ScarJo would've sparked if she pulled a Beyoncé on the red carpet. Imagine the pizza party she and Kerry Washington might've thrown courtesy of Ellen. Better yet: Imagine what name she and Dauriac will choose. After Gwen Stefani's most recent brush with nomenclature, we can safely assume anything like Emily, Ben, Sarah, or Stephen is not in the running. Might we suggest something a little more, erm, hue-ful, like Cobalt or Ruby? RubyJo has a nice ring to it, no? Anyway, congrats to the expecting couple! (E!)

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