It's safe to say we're among the group of people who are sad to see the slow death of the bookstore. But, just because it's not as easy to find a café-and-couch library of sorts, doesn't mean folks have given up on reading. Case in point: Parade posted the 50 most popular books by state, according to Scribd, the king of e-books.
To obtain the results, Scribd kept track of how many times a book was read by registered users in each state. With over 300,000 titles to choose from, variety is not a problem. Top picks included everything from the coming-of-age novel Labor Day (Minnesota) to Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist (Washington, D.C.) to fantasy read American Gods right here in Illinois. Surprisingly, the majority of books on the list aren't brand new, which is refreshing considering we live in a time when people get excited about something like Twitter crashing. Click here to see the most popular book in your state. (Parade)