Our first thought when we realized that George Clooney was not in attendance at Sunday's Oscars was "Boy is he missing out." His film Gravity won seven awards, his best friend Brad won best picture, and there was free pizza. But, after giving it a little more thought we realized one basic truth about the star: George Clooney never misses out.
If George Clooney is not doing something, it's because whatever else he's doing is better. So, when we tried to conjure up reasons why he wasn't at the Oscars, we knew things like chores, a dentist appointment, or babysitting his nephew weren't likely possibilities. Instead, Clooney was in London, spending time with Amal Alamuddin, the stunning British barrister he's been linked to recently, which sounds just about right.
Rumors of their budding romance have been swirling ever since it was reported that Clooney took Alamuddin to the White House, for a private screening of his film Monuments Men, where she met his pal President Obama. Alamuddin was most certainly able to hold her own among such elite company, as she's currently representing WikiLeaks founder, and vocal U.S. foreign policy critic, Julian Assange. That must have made for interesting dinner conversation. Oh, and Clooney's parents were also in attendance (ooh, big step for the serial modelizer).
Other reports had the couple looking cozy at a hotel bar post-screening, accompanied by Clooney's close friends Matt Damon and Bill Murray. To recap: Alamuddin is smart, sexy, and can hold her own in mixed company that includes the President of The United States, major Hollywood names, and her paramour's parents. Sounds like a keeper to us! (Daily Mail)