Since Refinery29's move downtown, we've scoped out Financial District street style, taken notes on how to dress like a boss, and started an ever-growing list of our favorite neighborhood haunts. But, we've never seen FiDi quite like this.
In its simplest form, The Underwriting, a new e-series written by former JP Morgan private banker Michelle Miller, is about the IPO process. Josh Hart, founder and CEO of Hook, described in the e-series' first installment as "the biggest social media company since Facebook," has decided to take his company public. And, despite his fiery hatred of "Wall Street suits," Hart wants none other than luxury-label-clad Todd Kent to lead the charge. The story challenges its cast's moral makeup as characters handle office politics, a public murder investigation, and a race to the financial finish line.
From plot to presentation, The Underwriting is multi-layered and unique. Having launched on Wednesday, March 5, the series will continue to release one episode a week until all 12 have posted. Each episode is free for 24 hours, after which it becomes available for purchase (setting you back a dollar only!) and download. Readers are invited to submit reviews on The Underwriting's chapter pages or hop over to tumblr to follow the conversation. More than just entertaining, digestible, and interesting content, The Underwriting serves readers an entire book club on a web-based platter platform. Time to #GetHooked.