Lauren Conrad Teaches Us How To Cure A Hangover

2Photo: Charley Gallay/Getty Images for Malibu Island Spiced.
We hate to brag, but we've got to gush about our awesome girl's day out with Lauren Conrad. Picture it: An 80-degree Los Angeles day, a pool cabana at the Beverly Hills Hotel, and flowing drinks all afternoon. Do you hate us yet? Don't worry, we're going to share the love. The author and lifestyle expert is currently playing spokesperson for Malibu Island Spiced Rum, and decided to host a little poolside soiree to show off her favorite summer cocktails.
In between gulps of mojito, we managed to rack Conrad's brain about a few of her favorite things and get some darn good advice to boot. Since we can't bring the gorgeous L.A. weather to you all, we figured the least we could do is let you in on the conversation. If you whip up your own libations, it's almost like you were there, right?

So, first thing, you must tell us about your hair secrets…
"I don’t have any wash it, and I do a deep conditioner twice a week. I have several different ones I use from the drugstore, and then every time I get out of the shower I have a soy leave-in conditioner — I believe it’s Big Sexy Hair — that I’ve used for years. And, then I comb it through and let it dry.”

What is your favorite drugstore beauty buy?
“I usually go for polishes — or individual lashes and mascaras.”

Since we're here sipping away, what is your drink of choice?
“For summer? Definitely a mojito.”

Do you have any hangover cures or remedies that you use?
“I mean, just like everybody else, it's fried food and just sleep…at this point, I’m not great with a hangover and I do all I can to avoid it. So, if I’m going out, I try the rule that every other drink is a glass of water. It’s annoying, you forget after the third one. Or, this is, like, the worst thing to do: I eat before I go to bed. It makes me not sick. Honestly though, I don’t drink enough that I have a hangover very often; it’s like a few times a year.”

But, then they are even worse!
“Yep! It's always after birthdays or somebody’s bachelorette party…”

You have your own wedding coming up, but have you been a bridesmaid before? Do you have any tips for girls who are about to be bridesmaids?
“I’ve only done it a couple of times. I was in my cousin’s wedding and she was so easy. I threw a bachelorette party — it was really fun. And, then one of my best friends got married last year. Fortunately, I haven’t really experienced the crazy bride yet, but I think that the biggest rule in being a bridesmaid is just to accept that your friend may be temporarily insane and go with it. Because someday you will be in the position, and you'll want your friends to just deal with it.”


You’re basically a lifestyle expert now, and you’re giving out all these tips on food and fashion and working out…literally everything. But, what do you seek out advice on?
“Actually, it’s been really nice because for the website I have two other girls I work with, Alanna and Allison, and then we have different sites we work with to do guest posts. Honestly, most of the time, when I’m looking to learn about something, we write about it. So, we do the research instead of going to other blogs. It's meeting with a specialist, doing a bunch of research — that’s kind of how I learn about stuff, which is really nice. If I’m looking just to get ideas or inspiration for stuff, then I go to Pinterest."

Are there any big projects you’re trying to tackle right now?
“I’m currently trying to learn to garden. This weekend I built a was like a kit from Home Depot. So, I built raised beds and planted lettuce and seeds. In the front I did a summer salad garden, so it’s three different kinds of lettuce, and strawberries, carrots, and beets. And then in the back I did a salsa garden, so it was tomatoes and cilantro and jalapeños.”

1Photo: Charley Gallay/Getty Images for Malibu Island Spiced.

As far as your personal style goes, what trend or phase are you embarrassed by now?

“For me, it might have been the Rocket Dogs — the raised foam sandals. They were really high, and everybody wore them, so I don’t feel that bad about it. But, every once in a while I spot them, and I’ll be like (gasp) Rocket Dogs!”


Do you have any rules that you try to live by with fashion, or when it comes to trying new trends?
“No, because I think looking back, every trend looks silly. I tend to gravitate toward more classic styles anyway, it’s just kind of what I prefer. I don’t think I’m a huge risk-taker, but I’m sure half of the things I wear now, I will be embarrassed by in five years.”

Do you have any vices, whether it be food or a pop-culture obsession?
“My vice for now is Shahs of Sunset. Have you watched that show?”

A couple of episodes here and there...
“It’s so deep. You need to start from the beginning. That’s my guilty pleasure now.”

You have a really big presence on Instagram, but do you have any Instagram pet peeves, or no-nos that you try to avoid?
“For me it’s the over-selfies — when it’s the same angle, the same look, over and over. This is just how anal I am, but for my own pictures, I hate when my photo angles are off. So, if it’s the horizon or a line, it’s a little bit off. Every once in a while, I’ll go back and I’ll be like ‘I shouldn’t have posted that!'"

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