When we think back on our most meaningful travel experiences, study abroad is way up there. And, to celebrate that semester (or three) of living like a local on the other side of the world, Teen Vogue has published a list of the best cities to transfer to — at least temporarily.
Straight from ladies who lived it up, the first-hand accounts share each of their favorite experiences from some of the quite common study-abroad destinations, namely Italy, London, and Australia. But, it's also the seemingly less-frequented cities that make the case for renewing your passport and rejiggering next semester's courses.
For students who aren't afraid of a wild(life) crowd, there's Cape Town, South Africa. "You're walking down the street, you'll see hippo and wild boar crossing signs," one testimonial reads. But, if you're comfortable being a little fish in a very, very big pond, why not give bustling Beijing a try? It's population is more than 21 million. And, if like us, your study-abroad days are behind you, there's always the option for independent study – a.k.a., vacation, preferably of the extended variety. (Teen Vogue)