Confession: We never would have pegged Madonna as a Game of Thrones devotee. So, imagine our surprise to see that the queen of pop celebrated Purim by dressing up as none other than the queen of dragons, Daenerys Targaryen, herself.
Sporting a leather corset and a long blonde wig with the requisite braid, Madonna shared a Purim greeting as she hit the town in her GoT gear. "Happy Purim," the pop diva posted. "All Hail All Queens! ##certainty.” Who knew?
Clearly, the superstar has a thing for other powerful blondes. No doubt Daenerys' alter ego, actress Emilia Clarke, is feeling pretty flattered. That other blond bombshell, Prince Joffrey, alas, didn't make the cut, but there's always next year! (Gossip Cop)