It's been said that a woman is on the brink of change when she transforms her hair. That phrase could not ring more true for Pamela Anderson. Ever since she went full pixie last October, more and more people have hopped on the Anderson bandwagon.
"I actually really know who I am beyond the hair," Anderson explains in her new interview in Purple Fashion's latest issue. "It was a relief more than anything to let a little of that go, and with the hair went a lot. Not to get too personal, but it really helped me get out of a 'situation' that was not right, no matter how hard I wanted to believe otherwise." The new interview paints Anderson in a new light — one that's free of cartoon caricature and pinup snuff. Rather, it highlights a woman changed — one with secret projects in the works and an growing presence in the art world.
"I heard that when you cut your hair, your past goes with it," she explains. "I think this is where life begins again for me, in this industry or wherever it leads. It feels right." And, man, does it look right, too. There's confidence in her new spread that's empowering. Sure, she's nude, but it's a liberated nudity. Whatever her future has in store, you can definitely count us along for the ride.
A preview of the rest of the shoot can be found on the next page, but, fair warning, it is pretty NSFW.
"I don’t normally love pictures of myself. I’m a bit of an exhibitionist, and I like having the pictures taken. But seeing these was really something different, something we did. It’s like a launching pad for what I’ll do now. While looking at the pictures I was thinking to myself, is that really me? I mean you don’t take a bad picture — people always look their best in your pictures. It still was a shock to see how strong I look."
Read the full interview here, or pick up the issue of Purple Fashion for yourself on stands now.