Shailene Woodley Went Into Hobo Mode After Divergent

divergentPhoto: Courtesy of Lionsgate.
Shailene Woodley is, like, so real, you guys. The 22-year-old actress appeared on Late Night With Seth Meyers yesterday and further perpetuated the ongoing perception that she's the most grassroots Hollywood starlet of all time.
Woodley told Meyers about certain lifestyle adjustments she made after shooting of her new film, Divergent, wrapped. "I cruised and I hung out with my friends and family. I got rid of everything I owned," she admitted. "I got rid of my cell phone, and I fit my life into a carry-on suitcase and I just couch surfed for two months. It was awesome." While most people crash on couches as a last resort, Woodley does it to expand her horizons. "I explored so many couches that I didn't know existed in my friends' homes," she added. "You know what's fun about that, though, is living in L.A, obviously, it's so spread out. I got to learn different areas that I didn't know about before."
As the Divergent press whirlwind chugs on, Woodley continues to prove that she's one of Hollywood's most eclectic young stars. Having already admitted to making her own toothpaste and medicine in past interviews, Woodley also revealed that she has survival skills that would make Bear Grylls jealous. "I've studied indigenous cultures for a really long time and got really into wilderness skills. But, I realized that as much as I knew how to make fire and build shelter, I was like, 'I live in Los Angeles and I'm surrounded by buildings. Fire's not going to do me any good,'" she said. "So, I started learning how to survive and thrive in the city." (Sleeping on many a sofa, obviously.)
If we ever find ourselves stranded on a deserted island, we have a pretty good idea of who we'd want by our side. Hint: Her name rhymes with Bailene Coodley. (E! Online)

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