Watch Lindsay Lohan Destroy A Car In The Name Of HIMYM & Lily Tomlin

How I Met Your Mother Is Ending and Lindsay Lohan is not happy about that. She's actually pretty angry — not, like, word vomit angry, but angry enough to destroy a car.
Comedian Billy Eichner enlisted fellow HIMYM fan Lohan to head down to New York's Lower East Side, and demolish a car filled with headshots of the show's stars. Things got pretty dicey, but thankfully the duo practiced safety and wore the latest McQueen face shields. (Okay, they're definitely not designer, but let's pretend.)
While it's oddly entertaining to hear Eichner wear out his vocal cords, it's Lohan's confessions that take the front seat (bah-dum-cha!). Here are three lessons to glean from Lohan's aggression:

1. Lindsay Lohan is sick of seeing Jason Segel's penis.

2. Lindsay Lohan would've destroyed Herbie in Herbie Fully Loaded given the chance.

3. Lindsay Lohan worked with Lily Tomlin.


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