Is It Possible To Use Facebook In A Healthy Way?

Peter-Pilotto-26_EvaKSalviPhotographed by Eva K. Salvi.
When it comes to Facebook, our relationship with the social-media platform could most accurately be described as "complicated." It's one of those things that we simultaneously loathe and just can't live without. The ability to be “connected” with people at all hours of the day definitely helps us stay close to those we care about — but it can also turn us into Fatal Attraction-esque stalker-monsters.
So, is it even possible to have a functional relationship with the ‘book? As with most things in life, we think it’s all about finding a healthy balance. Fortunately, the demonstrably sane folks over at HuffPost Healthy Living have put together a list of tips to help you steer clear of Glenn Close territory. Click through to learn how to break the cycle of crazy. (The Huffington Post)

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