Johnny Depp's been engaged a few times before, but this is a definite first: wearing his own engagement ring. We're not talking about some simple gold band. This baby is an actual door knocker of a diamond ring. Not surprisingly, it was originally intended for future bride Amber Heard.
Depp showed off his bold bling during an appearance on The Late Show With David Letterman. "I have a female engagement ring," he admitted, adjusting the supersized diamond. "It was too big for my girl...so I put it on." Sweet, but hasn't he heard of resizing? Or doing research before popping the question?
Click through to see a closeup of the ring and watch the interview.

The actor, who raved about Heard's father, also told Letterman that not many people ask him about the ring. "I think people are scared to comment," he said. "'Why is a grown man wearing a woman's engagement ring?'"
Don't feel too bad for Heard, though. According to Depp, she "wears the one that fits." And, we all know that it's a beauty. God forbid her man have a bigger one, right? (People)