No Boys Allowed: Our Fave Female-Led Funny Films

Sure, we love Anchorman and Old School. But, sometimes, we get a little tired of the guys dominating the big screen, and we want to laugh along with some really funny girls. Unfortunately, in the world of entertainment, all-female casts are few and far between. We're not really sure what the deal is, because A-listers like Sandra Bullock have more than proven they can carry a flick. But, that's a completely separate discussion. Today, we're here to celebrate the lady-led comedies that are already out there.
There's nothing better than hanging out with your best friends, opening a bottle of wine, and pressing play on your well-worn copy of Romy and Michele. But, as much as we love those crazy kooks, there's no way we could pick just one favorite hilarious chick flick. So, we're taking a look back at 10 movies that always bring the laughs — the female-only laughs, that is. We've got everything from the classics to new releases that are sure to make you chuckle (maybe even laugh out loud). Ladies first.

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