What steps can we take to change that?
"I think if more parents were speaking out or reaching out to their young people, if sex education were more available and accessible, if there were more sites out there like Scarleteen, things would change. There are bazillions of young people out there with questions — and adults, people who are in their thirties or their eighties, with questions...we have a lot of work to do as a culture and a society on our sex education and our awareness of sexual health. And, once we get to that, then maybe we can talk about how people should and should not be looking at porn.

Do you think that could be changed?
"I think if porn as a whole was more vocal about saying, you know, ‘We are sex professionals; we may use condoms in this scene but we also used this much lube, and we changed the condom out this many times.’ Or, ‘We didn’t use condoms in this scene, but we are STI-tested every 14 days and I have only worked with these partners'... I think if that was made clearer, just that tiny little thing would have such a significant impact.”