What do you get when you combine Ireland Baldwin and Ryan Lochte? Abs. Lots of abs. Oh, and some pretty adorable pictures, too. The swimmer and the model teamed up to front Calvin Klein White Label's new "American Icons" campaign. Being an Olympic swimmer and the daughter of a Hollywood legend gave them some good practice with all things Americana, but they still had their work cut out for them on set, as they told People.
"The biggest challenge for me was definitely trying to position my body so the clothes looked perfect," said Baldwin to the mag. "I had to jump a lot and sometimes things just fell out of place." Ireland may be a near pro when it comes to modeling nowadays, but Lochte is still learning the ropes — luckily, he's more than comfortable in a state of undress. "Ryan got shirtless right away," said Baldwin. "As he should!"
As you can imagine, the final pictures came out looking great. Head over to People to see more of these cuties. (People)