You can stop shaking your fists and threatening to cancel your subscription, people. It's back to business as usual at Vogue, which means April's love-it-or-hate-it Kimye cover will soon be replaced by stacks of May issues graced by the lovely and far less divisive Emma Stone. Everybody happy?
In terms of distancing herself from Kim and Kanye, Anna Wintour couldn't have done better than the charming redhead (who is blonde on the cover). Stone requested the accompanying interview be conducted at Build-A-Bear. Yes, Build-A-Bear. “This is bear-nanas,” the Amazing Spider-Man 2 star quipped. “I can’t stop making bear jokes!” For the record, Stone is 25.
The fact that a grown woman is speaking so earnestly about stuffed animals underscores just how likeable Stone is. She's the gal who still gushes over the Spice Girls, has The Help costar Octavia Spencer over for Thanksgiving, and made a PowerPoint presentation — with a Madonna soundtrack, no less — to convince her parents to send her to Hollywood.
“What you see is what you get,” gushed Spencer about Stone. “It’s not pretend or a feigned humility, it really is who she is.”
Aww. Grab the issue to read the full interview, where Stone talks about boyfriend Andrew Garfield, getting gifts from Bill Murray, and dealing with faked nude selfies. Or, you know, just look at the pictures. The girl is lookin' good! (Vogue)