As Veep's cutthroat vice president Selina Meyer, Julia Louis-Dreyfus is both hilarious and terrifying. In the May issue of GQ, however, the actress appears to be shtupping a clown, and that's plain terrifying. Full stop, no clown horn.
How did this happen? Is Stephen King running GQ's features department? Did Bruce Nauman art direct this shoot?
Why isn't the sweet, mouthy Louis-Dreyfus sobbing with bone-shaking, primordial fear, her mouth formed into a perfect O-shaped rictus of horror? Why isn't her face smeared with the powdery death-mask of the harlequin's haunting visage as he mounts her in the throes of clown coitus? Why, in a subsequent photo, would she appear smiling at their jester spawn?
Maybe, as the magazine suggests, she just really has a thing for clowns. Honk-honk. (GQ)