With all due respect to Star Wars fans, this May 4 is particularly special for an entirely non-Jedi-related reason. Today would have marked the 85th birthday of late actress and arbiter of all things elegant Audrey Hepburn. The screen legend died at the age of 63 in 1993, just one month after being awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom for her work as a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador.
There are a million ways to honor Hepburn (including the Google Doodle you may have already noticed). You could talk about her fashion sense, her films, her grace, her beauty, or her humanitarianism. Or, you could pay tribute by digging up a beyond-charming old film still featuring her and a tiny doe. Go on and tell us this isn't the sweetest thing you've ever seen.
The 1959 film Green Mansions may have been a box office dud, but if nothing else it gave us this ethereal image combining two of our great loves: Audrey Hepburn, and adorable baby animals. Here's to you, lovely.