James Franco Explains His Semi-Nude Selfie To Letterman

James Franco can add "explaining" to his growing list of talents. The actor has had to do a lot of it lately, as his constant boundary-pushing has landed him in some hot water. In the last two weeks alone, Franco's appeared on Live With Kelly and Michael to explain his seedy texts to a young girl, The Howard Stern Show to explain his relationship with Lindsay Lohan, and last night Franco visited David Letterman, who asked the actor about the now infamous semi-nude selfie that rocked the Internet last week.
"To me, it's just a fun thing,” Franco explained to Letterman, who seemed understandably perplexed. “It's something I don't put a ton of thought into, but it gets a lot of attention.” Well, duh. For someone who seems so in tune with modern methods of communication and self-promotion, Franco's naivety seems like something of a put on.
“It's not like I'm putting it on billboards,” the actor continued. “Ostensibly, Instagram is for my fans, but now all the bloggers are following me on there, and they'll just take and use my images for whatever they want.” Yes James, it's called appropriation. Of all people, an artist such as yourself should understand that.
Of course, not content with such a layman explanation, Franco took the weird factor up a notch, when he compared his latest shenanigans to Britney Spears' infamous head-shaving incident. "Like that Britney Spears shaved head moment, where it's sort of like, 'All right, you want me? Here you can have me, but I am going to be really ugly.' You know what I mean?"
To be honest, we're not so sure anymore. Watch the full explanation below. (People)

Photo: REX USA/MediaPunch Inc.

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