If you've already managed to blow through our entire Best Beach Reads list, congratulations! You're some kind of speed-reading mutant. And, in that case, you'll be happy to know that NPR has just released its summer reading recommendations, all themed around travel.
Having organized its "Book Your Trip" list by every mode of transport short of a dog sled — where art thou, Gary Paulsen? — NPR includes books about exploring the world by hot air balloon, by horse, and by giant peach.
Among the dozens of books included, every reading level is represented. You've got Hergé's Explorers on the Moon for the little ones. You've got Larry McMurtry's shoebox-sized Lonesome Dove for yourself. There's even a couple Tom Wolfe titles for the precocious teen. And, if you manage to get through all those before Labor Day, there's always In Search of Lost Time to tide you over until autumn. (NPR)