A field of eager suitors competing for attention. The dramatic distribution of an ever-dwindling number of roses. First dates that would put some honeymoons to shame. We’re talking, of course, about The Bachelorette — the “reality” dating game show that pits 25 men against each other as they vie for the bachelorette’s hand in marriage. Its 10th season is now following single lady Andi Dorfman’s search for love over a series of extravagant dates with near-strangers. It’s the furthest thing from real life, right?
But, as our friends at Shape point out, constant exposure to inflated representations of romance can seriously mess with our happiness. According to a recent study from Albion College, women who view TV depictions of love as realistic are less invested in their own relationships than their counterparts. Even those who approach The Bachelorette and its ilk with skepticism are at risk of developing unreasonable expectations of their own love lives.
So, what’s a reality-show addict to do? The key, says Shape, is to remind yourself that you’re watching the product of an editing-room floor — not love at first sight. Click through for the tips you need to keep your personal satisfaction intact, even as you indulge in on-screen fantasy. (Shape)