Are Kate Moss & Lindsay Lohan Fighting Over Jamie Hince?

1katePhoto: REX USA/Joan Wakeham/Rex; Rex USA.
Here's a rumored celebrity feud we would not want to get in the middle of. According to sources (yes, we know), Kate Moss and Lindsay Lohan had a blazing row at a London club earlier this month. And, in true Mean Girls style, it's all about a man.
The Sun was the first to report that the supermodel and actress were on the outs. Moss is said to be unimpressed with Lohan's friendship with her husband, The Kills rocker Jamie Hince, and reportedly had it out with the former child star.
"Lindsay and Kate had a huge row at the Chiltern Firehouse," a source told the paper. "People around them noticed it was going on. The argument went on for a while, and Kate seemed extremely annoyed with Lindsay for contacting Jamie. She was ranting about it to fellow diners at the restaurant."
Lohan has been in London this month in preparation for her West End debut in Speed the Plow. "Kate wasn’t happy when Lindsay arrived in the U.K.," the source added. "There’s no love lost between them, and she knew they’d bump into each other eventually as they’re both out on the town so much."
So, what's the deal with Lohan and Hince? The drama stems from last December, when Lohan posted photos of her hanging out with Hince in his recording studio. Word is that Moss didn't appreciate the special attention her husband was getting. Strangely, Moss and Lohan were reportedly on better terms in 2006, when they were rumored to have hit up a NYC bar together. This was the same night in which Lohan allegedly wrote a nasty comment about Scarlett Johansson with a Sharpie.
So, yeah, it's all pretty high school. Hug it out, girls. (Daily Mail)

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