J.K. Rowling Doesn’t Like Draco Malfoy, Either

Ask and ye shall receive. When a Harry Potter fan asked J.K. Rowling what the series would have looked like with baddie Draco Malfoy as the protagonist, the author gave the following (awesome) response over Twitter.
So spot on, right? There's some comfort in knowing that Rowling also thinks Malfoy is a brat with a bleach job. And, hello, she clearly spends her time trolling Tumblr for hilarious Harry Potter memes, when she should be crafting her next literary triumph. Stars — they really are just like us.
Think she's seen Professor Snape's Instagram account yet? That thing is way too good not to share. Consider your next bout of writer's block sorted, J.K.
Click through for more epic Rowling tweets after the jump. (BuzzFeed)

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